Two Brothers Tap House holds a special place in my heart. Warrenville, Illinois is where I was born and Two Brothers is the town's brewery. I make it a point to go there every time I'm in Illinois visiting family. This year marked my third trip to the brewery. The Tap House is inside the warehouse that houses the brewery. The warehouse itself is not exactly easy to find, because it's hidden off of a secondary highway that is currently the site of much road construction. However, the hidden location doesn't deter the locals. I was there on both Tuesday and Friday nights, and the place was hopping. The Tap House has seating for perhaps 90 people. There's a small bar area at the back, while the rest of the seating is made up of tables and chairs. Aside from large prints of Two Brothers beer labels, the walls are bare. Behind the bar is a wall of windows that look into the brewery. The floor is concrete, the duct work exposed, and there are no dividing w...
Chronicling the trials and tribulations of creative homebrewing, one beer at a time.