Winter is just around the corner, which means it's time to get something strong going. This time around, I'm brewing an English Old Ale . I've chosen the style for two reasons. First, I've never brewed one. Second, I intend to mix part of this with a Mead I'll be making to create a Braggot . The BJCP guidelines recommend using a yeast with low attenuation. I'm hopeful that Wyeast's West Yorkshire cultured from my Taddy Porter clone will fit the bill. The addition of brown sugar and flaked corn follows the common practice of using adjuncts in this style. The sugar should add strength and a hint of extra sweetness. My favorite English aroma hop finishes things off. If the yeast doesn't go too crazy, the finished brew should have an ABV right around 8%. Here's the 5-gallon recipe: Grains: 8 lbs Crisp Pale Ale 2 lbs Flaked Corn 1 lb Special Roast 1 lb English Medium Crystal 8 oz English Extra Dark Crystal 4 oz Pale Chocolate Hops: 1 ...
Chronicling the trials and tribulations of creative homebrewing, one beer at a time.