The older I've gotten, the more I've wanted to make my brew days easier. While I appreciate the exercise I get from lifting heavy wet grain bags, and moving large pots of water or wort back and forth around the kitchen, that doesn't mean I want to work that way forever. My back, for one, doesn't dig all the weight lifting like it used to. My spine was badly injured quite a few years back, and can only take a certain amount of strain, no matter how much I focus on lifting with my legs. Gravity is our friend, and it would be nice to take advantage of that fact more than I have. Simply having my wife give me a brew pot with a ball valve for Christmas two years ago seemed like a gift from above, since I was no longer tipping a heavy pot to transfer wort to a fermenter. Brew day has also meant taking over the kitchen for several hours. Or many hours, on the days I decided to perform a multistep mash. That's not exactly fair to the rest of the family, which lead me to p...
Chronicling the trials and tribulations of creative homebrewing, one beer at a time.