Awhile back, I attempted to clone Taddy Porter and came up short. Initially, this beer was to be round two in that quest. Then I had an even weirder idea. The Porter below was meant to be a variation on my original beer. Unfortunately, my local store was out of Maris Otter (a frustrating ongoing theme ), so I used Crisp Pale Ale instead. They were also out of the English yeast strain I intended to use, so I went with Wyeast's London Ale. I'm not using large quantities of grain, because I don't want a very strong beer. This one should land in the low to mid 5.0% ABV range. Whether I miraculously clone Taddy in round two, or simply make a nice Porter, what's going to happen to part of this beer once it's done fermenting is the real unique bit. While I could tell you up front what I'm planning, that would be boring. For now, here's the recipe for five gallons: Grains: 7 lbs Crisp Pale Ale 1.5 lbs Hugh Baird Brown Malt 1 lb Crisp Crystal 77 12 ...
Chronicling the trials and tribulations of creative homebrewing, one beer at a time.