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Big Time Brewing: Quadratic Formula

One of my proudest moments as a homebrewer was having one of my beers selected to be brewed at Mad Jack's Mountain Brewery in Bailey, Colorado. It was the first time one of my beers had been chosen to brew and sell to the public. 

The beer was a Quadrupel that I brewed as an excuse to try the new at the time Simpsons DRC malt in place of Special B. Apparently it worked out quite well. The owner and the brew master at Mad Jack's both tried my beer, and the rest is history.

For the brewery, my original 5 gallon brew was scaled up from 5 gallons to 3 barrels. The switch was also made to a brewery made Candi Syrup in place of the commercial Candi Syrups from my original brew. 

The recipe below is therefore a 5 gallon brew that was modified and scaled up to 90 gallons and then brought back down to 5 gallons again. 

If you'd like to forgo making your own Candi Syrup, I've also listed the original syrups. In addition, I've provided two mashing options. At the brewery, we did a single Saccharification Rest. When I made this at home, I added in a Protein Rest.

11lbs Castle Pilsen 
3lbs Weyermann Light Munich
12oz Simpsons DRC

0.5oz Magnum (12% a.a.): 60 min
1oz Styrian Golding (3.5% a.a.): 30 min
1oz Tettnanger (4.8% a.a.): 15 min  

At flameout, add 2lbs Amber Homemade Candi Syrup or
1lb each of Candi Syrup D-180 and Simplicity

Total Boil Time: 90 Min

Imperial B45 - Gnome

Mash Schedule:
Protein Rest: 131F for 20 min (Optional)
Saccharification Rest: 150F for 60 min
Mashout: 168F for 15 minutes

Original Gravity:
Final Gravity:

IBU: 26
SRM Color: 20

ABV: 9.2%

Fermentation Schedule:
3 Weeks Primary at 69F
11 Weeks Secondary
1-2 Months Bottle Conditioning (Optional)


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