I'm pleased to report that less really can be more. My SMaSH Kölsch proves it (not that I'm biased or anything).
Bready malt, light floral bitterness and a touch of white wine sum things up nicely. This beer isn't in your face. Instead, it's delicate and therefore leaves imperfections no place to hide.
Clarity is excellent. I promise that the haze in the picture is sweat on the glass due to the recent spate of rainy weather. A soapy white cap has good staying power and leaves some lace behind.
The nose is dominated by cut flowers and pale fruits, plus a hint of fresh cut grass. That theme flows nicely into the flavor. Fresh bread gets things going in the mouth before a light snap of balancing bitterness comes on. White grape and pear arrive late as the beer finishes dry and slightly fruity. A light body and low ABV of around 4.5% make this an easy drinker that's perfect for a hot day.
I don't have any tasting notes from friends yet, but I should have lots of remarks from an upcoming birthday party this will be served at. This beer will definitely be back next Summer.
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